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About T


Testosterone is a steroid hormone that stimulates the development of male secondary sexual characteristics. It is associated with puberty, sexual reproduction, hair growth, muscle mass, strength, and energy. Hormones vastly contribute to the body and are responsible for many internal body functions.

Through the years, hormone levels change due to aging. This is known as andropause. Although this is one cause of Low T, there are still other factors that can cause the early onslaught of low T. MyFitMed helps you battle and reduce the symptoms of low T which can hinder you from performing at your peak.

You should be able to observe Low T from the following symptoms. It is always advisable to seek medical advice once you observe most, if not all, of the following symptoms:

  • Fatigue or Decreased Energy
  • Weight Gain or Increased Body Fat
  • Loss of Muscle Mass and Strength
  • Decreased Bone Strength or Brittle Bones
  • Thinning Hair or Hair Loss
  • Depressed, Irritable, Confused and Unable to Focus
  • Decreased Libido or Sex Drive
  • Sexual Dysfunctions such as weak or fewer erections.

For more information or if you notice any of these symptoms on you, do not hesitate to contact us. 

Loss of testosterone has a number of causes. Just because you are still enjoying your youth, doesn’t mean you might not encounter low testosterone levels. We’ve listed few most common cause of Low T among men:

  • Aging – It is normal that as a man ages, his testosterone level will drop. It is factual that after the age of 30, many men may experience an average decrease of testosterone production at 1% yearly.
  • Medication – Some medication may affect the production of testosterone. One such medication is Opiates or Opioids which are used for chronic pain. Prolonged use of this may interfere with testosterone production and have suppressive effects. Corticosteroids can also majorly effect testosterone levels when used in excess.
  • Trauma – Surgery, impact, injury or viral illnesses can cause trauma which may lead to low T levels. When the testosterone-producing Leydig cells experience trauma, their numbers could reduce thus lessening the production of hormones.
  • Chemotherapy – Chemotherapeutic agents can highly affect the production of testosterone. Radiation treatment for cancer can also diminish testosterone production.
  • Chronic Illness – Most likely associated with the medication being taken for some chronic illnesses, they can also be the basis for low T. Some of these conditions are obesity, cirrhosis, HIV, obesity, kidney failure, etc.
  • Pituitary Disorder – Any disorder or condition of the pituitary gland can disrupt the release of hormones triggering the production of testosterone.
  • Rare Genetic Deficiencies – Genetic problems or deficiencies may be factors for low T production.

It is vital to keep yourself informed regarding the causes of low T. Always seek the advice of a professional for any concerns. You can contact us at any time.

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