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How Total T Treatment Works


Low T or Hypogonadism affects thousands of men without them being aware that there are treatment options available. Maintaining a balanced production of testosterone is vital in maintaining your overall health and well-being. You shouldn’t wait for your body to be at its lowest before seeking professional attention.

MyFitMed can help you maintain or regain testosterone balance. We will thoroughly assess your needs and decide on a proper course of treatment for you. The process is quite easy really.

  1. First off, we ask you a few questions regarding your symptoms and overall health.
  2. Next, our professional staff will conduct a comprehensive blood test.
  3. When the results are available, our in-house physician will discuss with you your treatment options if the results show low T levels. There are several treatment options; including testosterone injection, cream, patch, or pallets. We understand your situation and decide which one fits best for your lifestyle.
  4. Once you’ve discussed a proper course of treatment, the physician will then help you regain normal testosterone levels. We will guide you on how to properly administer your treatment.
  5. We understand your time is important, so we don’t make you come to the clinic every week like other testosterone clinics. NO WEEKLY APPOINTMENTS NEEDED. You come to the clinic every month or every other month for follow up labs and to discuss progress.
  6. We will continue to assist you throughout the following weeks to ensure the efficacy of treatment and to help you maintain normal levels with treatment, exercise, proper diet, and nutritional supplements.

Once you’ve undergone testosterone replacement therapy, you will immediately notice positive changes in your body. Benefits that you might observe include the following:

  • Increased energy
  • Increase in metabolism
  • Increased muscle mass
  • Weight loss
  • Improved focus and attention
  • Improved mood
  • Increase hair growth
  • Improved libido and sexual function

It’s never too late to seek out treatment and get your levels back up. Call us today and let’s schedule a consultation at your most convenient time.

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